,來自【Momo 購物網】,推薦【CLIVEN香草森林】女性隱私至寶沐浴乳-一般(特殊功能系列),不破壞有益菌叢乳酸菌,天然植物萃取精華,近乎100%天然植物配方,CLIVEN皆通過臨床測試標章,momo購物網總是優惠便宜好價格,值得推薦!
不破壞有益菌叢乳酸菌,天然植物萃取精華,近乎100%天然買東西 UDN植物配方,CLIVEN皆通過臨床測試標章
CLIVEN Personal Hygiene wash/Dispenser
?INTIMO?隱私至寶AGODA 訂房網?
◎防衛長效:絕不傷害女性的寶貝,不破壞有益菌叢乳酸菌;若破壞則有害菌滋生,是白帶主因。INTIMO has a physiological pH that helps keep the natural defenses of your intimate parts unaltered thanks to the presence of lactic acid, a substance naturally produced by your body.
◎INTIMO是天然植物萃取精華:錦葵萃取(Mallow extract).洋甘菊萃取(Chamomil extract)藥蜀葵萃取(Mash Mallow extract).金盞草萃取(Marigold extract)臨床嚴格證明,能除異味,能修護紅腫(reddening)刺痛(irritations)。INTIMO is enriched with the purest extraxts of mallow, marshmallow, and chamomile that thanks to their renowned calming and soothing properties helps minimize irritations and reddening.
◎增加寶貝的耐勞能力,是女性浴室愛和幸福不可或缺的沐浴乳。INTIMO undergoes strict clinical tests to determine its anti-odorant capacity as well as its tolerability and compatibility with your intimate parts.
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Momo 購物網 - 【CLIVEN香草森林】女性隱私至寶沐浴乳-一般(特殊功能系列)
